Happy Impending Holidays! (December 2023 Update)

Happy impending holidays, everyone!

Today was mainly a writing month! I'm happy to announce that the first draft for the script for The Deepwater Witch is officially DONE, with 48,125 words. I've passed it off to my beta readers and received the first round of edits! It's hard to believe that initially this story was intended to be around 5k words, then 15k, then 20k, then 30k...Based on the suggestions that I've received, I think that the script will balloon a little bit more before I'm done, haha! (From now on, I am definitely not planning any hard deadlines for games until the scripting is done...I've learned my lesson.)

I also redid the storyboards for TDW based on the complete script. (I ended up scrapping a lot of the planning I did prior to the scripting, since some scenes ended up longer/some ended up shorter, some scenes were added/some were cut...) Currently I have 22 backgrounds and 18 CGs planned (with about a dozen "stretch CGs" on the docket in case things end up going faster than planned...)


December will be full throttle in the art and coding, with a demo for TDW set to release at the end of the month! It's going to be busy, busy, busy...wish me luck, haha! 

Thank you to everyone who's keeping up with development! If you want to hear from me more often, I post most of my major announcements on Tumblr and Twitter. I also post almost daily on my Patreon with sketches, writing snippets, sneak peeks, high resolution art, and weekly devlogs.

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