June 2024 Update

Hello hello, it's Chattercap! 

If you've been keeping up with me on my socials, you'll know I was creating a new Actala demo for Otome Jam. Initially I was going to redo the ENTIRE thing (Chapters 1-6), adding on every love interest's versions of Chapter 4 and 5 (adding on an additional ~40k words of content to bring the entire demo up to 100k words LOL) - but, well, that turned out like this:

In terms of what I got done, I did 12 backgrounds, 10 sprites, and 16 CGs (so...38, not quite 60, but not bad!). Not a bad amount of work for 2 months! You can see some of the ones I posted on socials below + some extras.

I did finish most of what was needed through Chapter 3 (~2-3 hours of playtime), but I decided that if I pushed through, I wouldn't be able to get the game out in the state that I would want. I ended up redoing a LOT more than what I initially intended; I kept basically none of the original art and most of the original BGM too, and I also updated the script. This basically left no time to polish the coding, fine tune the animations, or to do the "extra CGs" that I wanted. 

Since it's a big project, I don't want to rush it, and I could tell I was getting PRETTY stressed out about getting something out on time (and I also had quite a bit going on in my personal life, as well). In the end I decided to postpone so that I would have time to polish it to the level that I would want. 

Okay, so when are you actually going to update this thing?

Thanks for your interest! I want to take my time with it, so I'll be working on it steadily, at my own pace. I don't have set release dates it for the moment. I'm hoping to release an updated demo that covers through Chapter 4 sometime soon, with an extended demo that covers through Chapter 6/the end of Act 1 after that (where the original demo left off). 

Thank you for reading, and thank you to everyone who's interested in this project!



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Wahhh the new art looks stunning! :D I can't wait to see what Liam's new sprite/cgs look like, he's my absolute favorite boy :> 

AHHHH thank you so much harmony 🥹 your support and patience means so much! I think Liam's new sprite looks pretty spiffy, so I'm looking forward to showing it off 🥰